Matthews’s Blog

Switching to LEDs


Is it worth It? The biggest benefit of LED lighting is its lifespan. An LED bulb will last approximately 50,000 hours — five times longer than a CFL bulb. If the bulb is left on for eight hours per day, it will last over 17 years. During that lifespan, an LED bulb will use 300 kilowatt hours of electricity. At 20 cents per kilowatt hour, the lifetime electricity cost of an LED bulb is $60. To compare, you would need five CFLs to match the 50,000-hour lifespan of an LED. Those five CFLs would use 700 kilowatt hours of electricity, costing $140. The LED bulb saves 400 kilowatt hours of...

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  Utah Handyman   In order to avoid a lot of home owner frustration once and for all, there are a few essential tools every home owner should have ready to grab:   Tape measure – A tape measure is great for projects around the home. It is ideal for small or large tasks. Level  levels are only useful if they are accurate. Invest in one that works, it It can be laser or the basic bubble, just make sure it works. Screwdrivers (and screws) – Every toolbox needs a flathead and a Phillips screwdriver.  Screwdrivers are available in sets of different sizes, so a small...

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Paint Paint And More Argile Paint


  Utah Handyman Fix It Handyman LLC has been busy and we have been working on some neat projects. Our Customer was having a baby soon and said she wanted something fun for her new son. So the Fix It Handyman team came up with this argile paint design  idea for her and she loved it! This project was an amazing amount of work but a ton of fun to think up and do! We ended up using about 10 roles of painters tape (We use frog tape when we do use tape. It’s our favorite) Please comment below and let us know what you think about it. We always like feedback even if you hate it! We really...

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